Episode 2.13: At the Junction of Heartbreak and a Breakthrough
Written and Produced by Tyler Anderson
Content Warnings (Click to expand)
Alcohol use, drinking sounds, retching
NICHOLAS: (as the intro plays) At the edge of Gilt City, a crossroads is more than a fork in the path, and all await the arrival of the Night Post. [BIRDSONG AND BUZZING INSECTS OF NIGHTTIME. A FIRM KNOCK AT A DOOR.] VAL: I know you’re here, Clem! CLEMENTINE: (muffled behind door) No, I’m not. Please just go home, okay? VAL: Wow, you’re not even going to offer me a refreshing beverage after my long trek out here? Typical inhospitable Skelterite. (pause) I don’t have to stay long. I just want to talk. (pause) Please, Clementine? [CLEMENTINE SIGHS. AFTER A MOMENT, SHE UNLOCKS AND OPENS THE DOOR.] CLEMENTINE: No Milo? VAL: No, I…didn’t tell him I was coming. CLEMENTINE: Ah. (pause) Well, are you coming in or not? VAL: Oh, yeah, right. (steps inside shuts door gently) You’ve really made this place your own. [THE WIND KICKS UP, AND WINDCHIMES TINKLE OUTSIDE.] CLEMENTINE: Yeah, thanks. VAL: I can tell you’ve put in a lot of effort in. I know it’s hard to find time for anything outside work these days. Feels like all I ever do is eat, sleep, and be mad. CLEMENTINE: Hm. VAL: I’ll have some-- CLEMENTINE: Coffee, black with sugar. I know. I only have instant. VAL: Well, it has to be at least as good as what we get at the Station. CLEMENTINE: It’s not, unfortunately. Wi--uh, someone said that it’s way worse. VAL: Oh. Well, I’ll make do. CLEMENTINE: We all do, don’t we? (clinking of a spoon stirring coffee in a glass) Here. VAL: Thanks. (sips followed by choking and noise of disgust) What-- CLEMENTINE: (laughs) I told you so. [OLD CHAIRS CREAK UNDERNEATH THEM AS THEY SIT DOWN.] VAL: So, I guess it’s obvious that I didn’t drive all the way out here for a hot drink. (pause) Are you okay, Clem? CLEMENTINE: Why wouldn’t I be? It’s not like my girlfriend turned out to be spying on us and the few months of happiness I had blew up in my face. VAL: Not for nothing, though. At least it answers a question for us. CLEMENTINE: “Will Clementine Keys ever have a normal, healthy relationship?” VAL: Uh, not touching that. I meant how our plans kept getting back to Block. At the Annex, at Renfree’s house...she was heading us off at every turn, and I couldn’t figure out how. But...it was Will who sent us to the Annex in the first place, remember? CLEMENTINE: I get it. I put us in danger, because I was too love-struck to see what was going on. VAL: Shit, I--I’m not trying to make you feel bad. It’s not your fault. (pause) Would talking about it help? CLEMENTINE: I don’t know why it would. And I hate talking about things. VAL: Because hiding out here like a hermit isn’t going to make anything better. CLEMENTINE: Why not? Isn’t that what you did after the collapse at the Station: break off contact with everyone until you were forced to come back? VAL: And you and Milo finally got it through my head how self-centered that was. CLEMENTINE: So now I’m being self-centered? VAL: No, wait, I-I didn’t mean-- CLEMENTINE: Then what do you mean? That I should just forget that the one person I trusted completely betrayed that trust in the worst way possible? It’s not fucking easy, Val! (shaky breath) I want to forget so badly. Will let me think I could depend on her for anything, that I could trust her with everything. I thought we could build a half-decent future together, and she let me believe that. (small sigh) I’m sorry, I know it’s not your fault. Fighting to be happy is exhausting and it never seems to pay off, does it? VAL: I’d say I know how you feel, but I guess I really don’t. CLEMENTINE: What hurts the most is that I think she genuinely did like me. Maybe she even loved me? I don’t know. (letters rustle) I meant to throw these into the compost pile out back and forget about them. VAL: What are they? CLEMENTINE: Letters, what else? After making the trek all the way out here, they still reeked of Will's perfume. I’m nauseous just thinking about it. VAL: It doesn't look like any of them made it to the dump. CLEMENTINE: Well, two of them did. I’d had a lot to drink, thought that would help buffer the worst of it, but I couldn’t make it halfway through reading the third letter before crying myself to sleep in the grass. She keeps writing to me. Will isn't ready to give up on us, and after all she’s done--she has the guts to keep reminding me of the one good thing I thought I had. I'm not really sure I knew her at all. VAL: I don’t know if there’s anything that I can say that’ll make any of this better. CLEMENTINE: Me neither. VAL: (brief silence) I really am sorry. CLEMENTINE: I know, Val. VAL: But I don’t mean just for this. I’ve been shitty to you the past few months. You didn’t deserve all my hateful little jabs and snide commentary. Hell, I should probably apologize to Milo too. CLEMENTINE: Well, I’d be the liar if I said I didn’t agree. VAL: I pushed everyone away because I thought things would be better and I’d be safer on my own. Turns out it’s way worse when you have no one around to blame but yourself, all the thousand different ways every day goes wrong. By the time you two knocked me out of my pissy mood, you were knuckle deep in-- CLEMENTINE: Val! VAL: (laughs) Sorry. Look, I was focused on feeling bad about my life, and it kept me from being happy for anyone else. Maybe I was even a little jealous of you and Will. But Milo doesn’t deserve a shitty friend, and neither do you. You’ve both dealt with enough. CLEMENTINE: That is…a surprisingly thoughtful apology. VAL: I am capable of emotions other than anger and apathy, you know. CLEMENTINE: Yeah, sometimes you’re annoyed, too. VAL: Sometimes? Try “most of the time.” CLEMENTINE: (laughs) You know, I probably owe you and Milo an apology, too. No one likes the friend who ghosts everyone as soon as they get into a relationship. VAL: True. I--um, we missed seeing you. It's good to have you around: smiling, laughing, always ready to remind us how stupid I--we’re being. CLEMENTINE: I don’t know if I’ll ever be the same again. The old Clementine--the one you like--she's gone now. VAL: You don’t have to stay the same. I’m not the same person I was before I got this limp and these sick scars. Milo’s not the same person since he lost Ashley a second time. You drove off your doppelganger and had your heart broken all in the same hour. How could you be the same Clementine after that? CLEMENTINE: You know, it shouldn’t surprise me when you say things that are genuinely comforting. So, thank you. VAL: I’m good for something from time to time. [VAL YELPS AS CLEMENTINE NEARLY KNOCKS HER FROM THE CHAIR WITH A HUG.] When did you get so strong? CLEMENTINE: Don’t fight it, just be vulnerable for once. VAL: (slow breath) Okay. Just this once. For you. CLEMENTINE: Hm. (pause) When will it get better, Val? VAL: I ask myself the same thing all the damn time. “Eventually” is my best guess. CLEMENTINE: Well, I hope you’re around when that day comes. VAL: Me too, Clem. (pause) Uh, you’re gonna have to let me go, or this antique is gonna buckle under us. CLEMENTINE: Oh, yeah. Sorry. (chair creaks) VAL: (huffs) Hopefully that’s all our apologies out of the way. Being vulnerable is so damn exhausting. CLEMENTINE: You’ve exposed yourself now! I won’t let you crawl back into that crusty little shell of yours! VAL: Hey! Who said I was crusty? CLEMENTINE: I’m kidding. Mostly. (small laugh) VAL: Hateful. Huh, I wonder if this coffee is any better at room temperature. (sips) Oh, fuck, that’s bad. Are you sure this is even coffee? CLEMENTINE: I’m sure! But if I'm being honest, I don't remember when I bought it. VAL: Let me get this straight: I come to apologize for being a dick and you try to assassinate me? CLEMENTINE: Don’t be a baby! It can’t be that bad. (Clementine sips, then immediately gags) VAL: Yeah, see! Well, now that you’re in a better mood, want to come to Milo’s place with me? He mentioned booze and miscellaneous board games. CLEMENTINE: Well, if whatever was masquerading as instant coffee doesn’t kill me first, of course I’ll come. [SCENE CHANGE: MUFFLED RAIN AND THUNDER OUTSIDE.] CLEMENTINE: (sigh) Milo wins again. VAL: It’s a good thing we’re not betting money, because this criminal would have bled us dry. MILO: Criminal? I’m just playing the game a little better, is all. CLEMENTINE: A little? You won every round! MILO: Well, Val almost won the last one. VAL: I was twenty points behind you. In what world is that close? MILO: It was definitely closer than the others. CLEMENTINE: Because you absolutely crushed us! Ugh, please tell me there’s more wine. MILO: If you haven’t finished it all, probably. (shuffling cards) Any suggestions on the next game? VAL: Anything that you’re bad at. CLEMENTINE: Ditto! MILO: Hmm. I mean, I guess I suck at puzzles? VAL: Puzzles aren’t games, Milo. CLEMENTINE: How about chess? I played a lot of chess with…her. VAL: But can you really classify chess as a party game? Come on, there has to be something else in that closet we can thrash you at. MILO: I’ve got “The Game of Capitalism?” CLEMENTINE: Ew. No. Can we just watch a movie instead? MILO: Don’t be sore losers! VAL: Clem, this man feeds off our pain. MILO: (exasperated sigh) Fiiine. We can just watch a-- (breakers flip in the distance) Oh. VAL: Fuck Gilt City! We can’t even have a half-decent powergrid. CLEMENTINE: But it’s only Milo’s place that lost power. Look--all the other houses are all lit up. MILO: Flipped one light switch too many, I guess. I’ll go check the breaker box. [THREE KNOCKS AT THE DOOR, SOLID AND SLOW.] MILO: Can we not have one night of peace? VAL: Should I get it? MILO: Who knows what kind of wacko is out there? Hell, they’re probably the ones who cut off the electricity. [ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR, A HORSE WHINNIES.] VAL: Um, did Daffodil follow us out here? CLEMENTINE: Of course not. And how could a horse even knock? THE STRANGER: (muffled) Mighty inconsiderate lettin’ a guest stand out here in the cold. CLEMENTINE: I recognize that voice. (doorknob turns) MILO: Clementine! Snap out of it. What are you doing? CLEMENTINE: I don’t think they’re here to hurt us. VAL: Based on what, exactly? CLEMENTINE: We’ve met before. [THE DOOR OPENS, AND THE RAIN GROWS LOUDER.] CLEMENTINE: Um, hello again. THE STRANGER: A good evenin’ to you too, Miss Clementine. I expect I’m invited in? MILO: Wait! Clementine, this is, uh..um... THE STRANGER: Spirit, spectre, apparition. Any of those’ll get the point across, I reckon. Might I step inside? MILO: I-- yes? [SPURS CLINK WITH HEAVY FOOTFALLS ON THE WOOD FLOOR.] THE STRANGER: Thank ya kindly, Mr. Cylix-Wilder. MILO: Milo is fine, I guess? VAL: So we’re just turning this into a ghost mixer? THE STRANGER: I ain’t here to rustle up trouble, Mx. Valencia. VAL: It’s just Valencia. Er, Val, I mean. THE STRANGER: And you remember me, o’ course. Been a long time. VAL: I guess. What’s this about, Clementine? CLEMENTINE: Don’t look at me. I didn’t invite them! VAL: Well, I sure as hell didn’t! MILO: I think it’s safe to say none of us invited…do you have a name? THE STRANGER: Well now, if I ever had one, I can’t rightfully say I know what it was. VAL: Alright, sure, mystery cowboy. What exactly do you want? THE STRANGER: I don’t want for much of nothin’. I’m here to deliver a message--should y’all wanna hear me out, that is. CLEMENTINE: Who sent you? THE STRANGER: I don’t get sent by nobody. I go where I want, when I want. MILO: But you waited for us to invite you in. Why? THE STRANGER: Like to believe we all gotta hold ourselves to some sorta decorum. One buddy is worth a thousand enemies, I’d say. VAL: But we’re not buddies. So what do you want? [SOMBER, ECHOING GUITAR MUSIC RISES IN THE BACKGROUND.] THE STRANGER: I’m here to make a deal. Heard through the channels y’all need a little nudge in the right direction. MILO: Well, at the risk of sounding like a terrible host--no thanks. CLEMENTINE: Wait! We should hear them out. If they meant any harm, I’d be dead by now. THE STRANGER: Always admired a sensible lady. VAL: Hey, back off! THE STRANGER: No offense meant. MILO: I already know I’m fucking stupid for asking, but--what’s the deal? THE STRANGER: I’d say it’s simple ‘nough. Y’all help me, I’ll help you. CLEMENTINE: You have to give us more to go on than that. Why should we trust anything born of the Other? THE STRANGER: I don’t reckon I ever mentioned where this form was wrought, now did I? CLEMENTINE: Um, no, you didn’t. But I’m right, aren’t I? THE STRANGER: Right on the money. MILO: What do you want from us? THE STRANGER: When I call, y’all come. VAL: That’s vague. For what, specifically? And when? CLEMENTINE: It’s a deal. MILO: Clementine? VAL: Are you serious? CLEMENTINE: I think they’re sincere about wanting to help us, and we can’t go up against Block on our own. What do we have to lose? THE STRANGER: I’d say everybody stands to lose somethin’. VAL: Yeah. That’s your whole game, isn’t it? CLEMENTINE: I won’t force you two into anything. I could-- VAL: No. We do this together, or not at all. MILO: Fuck! Why is it always us? CLEMENTINE: Oh, Milo… MILO: It’s just so… unfair. (deep breath) Fine. It’s a deal. But whatever we’re signing up for had better be worth it. THE STRANGER: Let’s shake on it. VAL: But you’re-- THE STRANGER: As real as I need to be. Maybe even realer’n you. MILO: (shudders) I did not like that. CLEMENTINE: Ugh...how can something be so hot and cold at the same time? VAL: I’d rather stick my hand in a box full of rattlers than do that again. THE STRANGER: It’s done. If you’re still keen on huntin’ down Block, she’s at the heart of that hideous gold tower. When I say heart, I mean the chest of the earth. You can only reach it by a hidden service elevator, a hundred paces south of the tower. I can’t say you’ll be better off for it, but that’s where the poor creature is. MILO: Poor creature? Sounds like an awful lot of sympathy for the woman who’s destroyed more than one life. THE STRANGER: Passin’ judgement ain’t my job. Now, I’ll be takin’ my leave. You three’ve heard all I’ve got to say. It’s up to your little trio to hold up your end of our agreement. CLEMENTINE: And if we don’t? THE STRANGER: (laughs) Well now, I don’t expect y’all will have much of a choice in the end. Luck be to ya. [SPURS JINGLE AS THE STRANGER LEAVES AND SHUTS THE DOOR. THERE IS SILENCE FOR A MOMENT.] MILO: (sighs) Well, we got what we wanted for once: a straight answer. CLEMENTINE: Now we just have to hope it was worth it. VAL: (tired sigh) I need another drink. NICK: (as the outro plays) Thank you for joining us on tonight’s route. 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